Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) has been refreshed with the Intel Core processor, instead of the Snapdragon 8xx Compute platform. It is the first device to offer the processor with Intel Foveros 3D stacking technology and a hybrid CPU architecture. This balances multiple high-performing processes while conserving battery when not in use. The Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) retains the same 13.3-inch Full HD touch display and runs on Windows 10 Home/Pro OS. the machine comes with Wi-Fi 6 and always-on LTE connectivity that is claimed to deliver gigabit internet access.
Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) price
The Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) is priced at EUR 1,129 (around Rs 95,000) for the 256GB model in Europe and the 512GB variant costs £999 (approx Rs 93,000) in the UK. The Notebook comes in Earthy Gold and Mercury Gray colours.
Samsung Galaxy Book (2020) specifications
Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) sports a 13.3-inch full HD touchscreen display with 600-nits brightness, 10-point multi-touch, and 1,920 x 1,080 pixels resolution. It is powered by the Intel Core processor coupled with Intel Hybrid Technology and Intel UHD Graphics. The laptop packs 8GB LPDDR4X RAM, 256GB/512GB eUFS storage that is expandable up to 1TB via microSD card. There is 1MP HD web camera and supports Windows Hello sign-in with the fingerprint.
Galaxy Book S (2020) features stereo speakers tuned by AKG and Dolby Atmos technology. It measures 305.2 x 203.2 x 6.2 ~ 11.8 mm and weighs 950 grams. Connectivity features include 4G LTE Cat.16, Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax 2×2, Bluetooth 5.0, and dual USB-C ports. The Microsoft Your Phone feature can sync your mobile device to receive notifications, messages, transfer files, and more on the Galaxy Book S (2020). There is a 42Wh battery on board.
Sai Krishna
June 01, 2020 at 11:48AM