Realme 7 and 7 Pro India launch is scheduled for September 3rd at 12:30 PM. The phones are listed on Flipkart, thereby confirming their online availability and also revealing some key features and design. The Realme 7 series will come with 65W fast-charging support, probably making them the fastest charging phones in their price segment. The listing also confirms the Realme 7 series will retain the punch-hole design from the Realme 6 to accommodate the selfie snapper. Realme also claims the handsets are TuV Rheinland certified. The Flipkart listing says more details about the handsets will be shared tomorrow i.e August 28th.
Also read: Realme 7 series design teased in video
Realme 7, 7 Pro Blind Order sale
Realme has also announced blind order sale for Realme 7 and 7 Pro from today i.e August 27th to September 2nd on Realme website. Interested users can pay Rs 1,000 during this period and the unit will be dispatched once the remaining balance is paid between September 3rd and 15th. Customers buying Realme 7 during Blind Order users will get Rs 100 off coupon that is valid on AIoT products and Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 random discount for Realme 7 Pro buyers.
Realme 7 series could have a rectangular camera module, according to the recent teaser video. The rear panel will have a frosted matt finish, probably made of glass. The handsets could have a 64MP quad-camera setup and higher refresh rate. The render image on Flipkart shows the Realme 7 will have the volume rocker on the left spine, while the power button is on the right side. Realme 7 Pro could have an in-display fingerprint sensor, meaning it may have an AMOLED screen. We should learn more information about the Realme 7 series soon.
Sai Krishna
August 27, 2020 at 10:47AM